"He who has health has hope; He who has hope has everything."~Arabic Proverb

Friday, April 23, 2010

Feelin' Guilty Already...

Ok, I know it's been a few days since my last blog...but I swear there's method to my madness, that and I kinda fell off the fitness bandwagon for a few days. It happened on Wednesday of last week....I had a couple of friends over and had a carb overload of baked chicken alfredo and several glasses of dee-licious red wine. And then Thursday it was raining and I was so sleepy that I ended up falling asleep 7:45 and slept the whole night until it was time to wake up for work the next morning.

Fear not faithful readers (all two of you) when Friday rolled around I got right back on track (no pun intended :o) and went walking, I also woke up Saturday morning and walked for about 45 minutes. Sunday I went to church with a friend, it had been a while and I really enjoyed it. Not that church has anything to do with my fitness but it did wonders for my soul which many of you can agree that a happy soul can contribute to one's health....but I won't dwell on religious matters, let's get down to business now!

I started a new temp. assignment last week & I have to say, that whenever I'm working I tend to eat better, like there's a routine. I eat breakfast faithfully, have my morning snack at 10:45, eat my sensible lunch and then my afternoon snack before I leave work. That's the ideal eating pattern, to eat frequently throughout the day so that your metabolism continues to burn energy rather than conserve it when you starve yourself. I want to take time to remind the reader that I'm not on a diet. I do not intend to starve myself or limit myself to 20 grams of carbs a day, or cut anything out of my diet completely. I love food. I love the preparation of meals, the smell that fills the house, and the people that gather to eat my yummy creations. I love the fact that food can take you back to past vacations, childhood memories, grandmas kitchen, etc....there's just something to be said about a good meal. And because of all those reasons I don't intend to stop enjoying food, it will just be in moderation from now on. Now, back to the job....so anyway I met this older lady who's well into her 60's and she was telling us that she had been to her doctor's office back in January and he told her she needed to lose some weight. By March she had lost 20 lbs--now that's pretty damn good considering she didn't really exercise much because she's just not physically able to over exert herself and she's a woman who's in her 60's. Scientifically it's harder for women to lose weight, even more so as we get older so the fact that she was able to shed the weight so quickly is pretty amazing. So of course we all asked her, "what did you do?" She said that she started drinking a big glass of water before each meal....like a good 30 minutes before and that for dinner she would just eat a bowl of cereal and some fruit maybe, "just something light," she says. Ummmm that's where I stopped listening and cut her off to let her know how dinner is my favorite meal and how I enjoy cooking for me & my mom or me & my friends. So she says to me, "well--then just save the big meals like that for the weekends." The light bulb immediately went off in my head, challenge accepted.

So for the next two weeks I'm gonna try just that. I will continue to eat breakfast faithfully, I will continue to take my morning snack at 10:45, eat my sensible lunch, afternoon snack, and at dinner--I shall have cereal and some fruit or something light like that. I don't know how this will go considering dinner used to be my biggest meal of the day--I probably won't like it at first but I will give it at least two weeks to see what results, if any will unveil themselves.

I haven't really outlined my whole plan to y'all yet but that's probably 'cause I really didn't know quite where I was going with this exactly so this will be a journey for both me & the reader! I think it will take a while to find my niche, this is after all a change intended for the long run and I have to find something that works for me. But basically I plan to try and stay active 5-6 times a week, eat more sensibly in smaller portions, without depriving myself and allowing myself to indulge on the weekends. Life, after all is for the living and I plan to do a lot of living in this lifetime! I will also try to keep a journal of what I eat, by posting it daily via this blog. Starting today. Some blogs will just be recordings of what exercise I've done for the day as well as what I ate, and some blogs may be lengthy like this one 'cause I am a chatterbox. I might update y'all on the amount of weight I lose, for example I weighed myself last week & noticed I had lost 2 lbs in a one week period. Pretty good considering it was just one week, but I'm sure it won't be like this every week. So wish me luck, here goes nothing...and everything.

Monday, April 26th, 2010:

1 sm cup of strawberry yogurt
1 blueberry Nutrigrain bar
1 banana
1 cand of diet 7-Up (my stomach was upset this morning)

A.M. Snack:
1 boiled egg
1 sm bag of Sun Chips (Harvest Chips)

2 chicken strips
2 fried shrimp (both leftovers from Cheddar's)
3 pieces of juicy, yummy, dee-licous cantaloupe

P.M. Snack:
1 Diet Coke (I needed some caffeine)
1 pckg of those orange crackers w/ peanut butter

Cheerios w/ nonfat milk
Sm apple

Brisk walking for 3o minutes

....until tomorrow!


1 comment:

  1. I'm proud of you Roxy, this blog is just what you needed to do, you're good motivation. Love ya
